When it comes to talk about the problem of smoking, people have different opinions depending on their own background, education, personality and how do they choose to live their life. When it comes to me, I agree to this essay. Because this is one of more effective solutions to deal with the problems
When it comes to talk about the problem of smoking, people have different opinions depending on their own background, education, personality and how do they choose to live their life. When it comes to me, I agree to this essay. Because this is one of more effective solutions to deal with the problems
When it comes to talk about the problem of smoking, people have different opinions depending on their own background, education, personality and how do they choose to live their life. When it comes to me, I agree to this essay. Because this is one of more effective solutions to deal with the problems
When it comes to talk about the problem of smoking, people have different opinions depending on their own background, education, personality and how do they choose to live their life. When it comes to me, I agree to this essay. Because this is one of more effective solutions to deal with the problems
When it comes to talk about the problem of smoking, people have different opinions depending on their own background, education, personality and how do they choose to live their life. When it comes to me, I agree to this essay. Because this is one of more effective solutions to deal with the problems
一篇Essay 300字,一段53字 ,五段 265字,很接近了!
<模板> 同意反對(agree), 哪種方式最好(best), 二種取一(which)
When it comes to talk about the problem of the issue, people have different opinions depending on their own background, education, personality and personal values. And when it comes to me, I think that A is the best way to handle the conflict at the workplace. It is a more effective way to calm down than give our opinions about their argument's issue.
The main thesis is that
For eaxmple,
Therefore, it points out that
My thesis might cause some opposing arguments. Some people would argue against this by saying that if we...
However, my response would be that if
Since , we ,why don't we
And finally, A not only , but also it
Accordingly, calm down is the best way to handle the conflict and help people to think wisely.
打完模板1930 到第三段30 min -279
對等連接詞: either A or B , not only A also B , A as well as B , in order that
從屬連接詞:when, as , after, as soon as, once, while(相反,不論),
Although, even though(儘管..也), even if
As long as (只要), suppose that(假設 那樣的話),
副詞有連接詞功能 therefore (因此), however (然而), thus (於是)
Moreover(更甚者) furthermore(再者)
Besides(此外) otherwise(不如此的話,否則)
In addition(此外)
承轉詞: 起: at first, in the beginning, to begin with, in general, first, first of all
時間順序: first, next, then, afterwards(後來), last but not least, in the end
From then on(從此)
加重或在強調: Besides, furthermore, in addition, for instance, no wonder
Certainly, naturally, no doubt,
as a matter of fact(事實上), indeed(事實上), in fact,
What’s worse, to make matters worse,
What’s more,(更重要的是)
結果(承,小結) as a result, therefore, consequently(結果,因此,所以),
Likewise(同樣地), sure enough(果然),
再解釋(承): in other words, that is to say(也就是說), namely(換句話說)
To put it another way
對比或反比(轉): however, nevertheless, on the contrary, whereas, in contrast
On the one hand, on the other hand, otherwise
結論: In brief, to be brief, in short, in summary, to sum up, in my opinion, after all
<多益寫作入門> 書中介紹之寫Essay技巧 <單字造句> <11種表達>
A financial crisis: A financial crisis can come to anyone at any time
Budget: We should have enough budgets to live in this unpredicted world.
Vacation: People take a vacation when they want to refresh themselves.
Hobbies: Some hobbies cost money.
Entertainment: There are various entertainment around us.
1.感覺(sense,feeling): It must be frustrating to face a sudden financial crisis.
2.意見(Opinion,Argument): We can prepare for the financial difficulties if we montior our incomings and outgoings.
3.事實(Truth,fact): I see that many people are in bankruptcy.
4.狀態(Condition,situation): Without a careful monitor on our spending habit, we cannot save money.
5.重要性(Importance): It is important to cut the budget on the area/part that we have many expense.
6.必要性(Necessity): Taking a vacation is important. Hobbies release our states. Some enterainments cost a lot of money.
7.經驗(Experience): I have once had financial difficulties. I have learned a lesson through my experience.
8.關聯性(Dependence): Saving from the income makes our life secure and stable.
9.關係(Relationship,connection): We make money in order to live the way we want.
Money is not everything in our life, but it is neccessary for us to live in this rapidly changing world.
10.嘗試(Common sense): We all believe that saving money can help us someday.
However, it is difficult to get into a habit.
11.影響(Effect):Cutting budget from the entertainment is not a happy thing to do, but it is the quickest way to reduce the unneccessary soending.
<從Henry Liu那兒翻譯而來的,自己+Google翻譯>
明確的表達你的立場When it comes to talk about the problem of smoking, people have different opinions depending on their own background, education, personality and personal values. And when it comes to me, I agree that complaining in person is a best way. It is a more effective way to respond the problems to the company than complaining in phone call.用幾個句子輔助說法
「最強而有力」的理由、說明The main thesis is that whether it is in person or by telephone, talking is the most effective way to communicate. Just when we want to complain about the merchandise, talking about the problem in person can let the clerk understand our dissatisfaction with the merchandise through our tone, gesture or mood. Therefore, that is why all the successful business always has at least either telephone customer service or in-store customer service department. Because they also know that communication by speech is the best way to understand people.
Some people would argue against this by saying that… . But…
「反對別人的反對」My thesis might cause some opposing arguments. Some people would argue against this by saying that if we complain about the merchandise in writing, the customer service center attached a great importance to our opinions. However, my response would be that if the customer service center didn’t want to solve the problems of the merchandise, whatever you may write or speak are the same in the results. Since we believe that the customer service center will try their best to help us solve the problems, why don’t we use the more efficient ways such as talking directly by telephone or in person to complain about our problems?
重述一下As we know that complaining our problems in writing not only spend more time to wait the answer, but also there may no one respond to our complaint.補刀(我批批批)Because the customer service center didn’t understand precisely what the customer’s dissatisfaction is. 乘勝追擊(第二論點)Moreover, talking by telephone or in person has another advantage which is there won’t have the misunderstand problems causing by words. The same word can be interpreted to more than one means by different people. At this case, the indispensable elements such as body language, tone, and mood play an important role to help us interpret correctly. Accordingly, that’s the second important fact why I agree to complain in person.
結果Henry文章沒出And finally, complaining by talking or in person is the best way to speak to the person in charge and thus receive immediate responses to our demands. So, in conclusion, complaining in person or by talking is the best way to show how angry and frustrate we are to the company’s representatives and get our problems done more efficiently. 參考書本打得,有待之後修正!